Vision, Mission and Covenant

The Fellowship’s activities are established by its members through development and adoption of our Mission and Vision. Members aspire to live by the guidelines of the Covenant, also crafted and adopted by the members. 

The Mission 

Our mission is to create and nurture a spiritual, ethical and welcoming community which celebrates personal growth, diversity of beliefs, and freedom of expression.


As members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington, we will broaden, deepen, and sustain our spiritual lives.  We will continue to share ministry between members and a part-time professional minister.  We will intentionally promote environmental and social justice.  We will embrace diversity within our Fellowship and in the  larger community.  We will extend our reach outside the Fellowship as a faith community committed to positive action in the larger world.

We will know we are successful if, within five years (adopted 6/2023):

  • We have a robust and varied offering of programs that are well-used, providing social connection for both large and small groups across the age span, focused on community, justice and local welfare, spiritual deepening, and learning.

  • We have an organizational structure that promotes and supports high quality, intentional and dependable planning of year-round programs that

    • Integrate a variety of spiritual practices into our community life through our Sunday services and regularly scheduled small group opportunities to learn from each other and share spiritual experiences and practices; and

  • Provide a varied set of social activities that allow members and friends to enjoy the company of each other and strengthen personal relationships.
  • We have an up-to-date communications process that uses multiple media to reach its members and the wider community.
  • We have a pastoral care network that is shared by the minister and lay members, with ongoing training and support from the minister.
  • We provide opportunities for understanding diverse populations and cultures and for becoming knowledgeable about social action strategies and competent at carrying them out.
  • We have a membership process that supports people throughout their participation in the congregation, including offering leadership development.


We, the members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington, covenant to

  • Engage each other with our intellect, conscience, and compassion;
  • Affirm and promote the Principles of the UUA and honor the Sources of Knowledge and Wisdom;
  • Accept and respect each other and our community, with all our varying beliefs, abilities, shortcomings, and needs; and
  • Support the Fellowship by offering our time, energy, resources, creativity, and goodwill.