Spiritual Growth

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington promotes and facilitates the ongoing growth of individuals as spiritual, ethical, and religious beings. None of us has an answer that works for all. However, our continuing engagement in the process of exploring our spiritual and ethical lives promotes individual growth and understanding.
Sunday Services
We meet Sundays throughout the year at 10 a.m. Services may be led by our members, guest presenters, or our minister, the Rev. Barbara Threet. Topics are wide-ranging and call on the wisdom of many religious traditions. Services often include time for discussion of the sermon.
After the service, discussion continues over light refreshments.
Religious Exploration for Children
A cornerstone of the Fellowship’s activities is a Religious Exploration program for elementary and middle-school children.
Childcare is provided for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Social Gatherings
We seek to build community through a variety of social events, including a holiday dinner and party in December, potluck dinners, and an annual picnic. Small groups also gather on a regular basis for Circle Dinners, hosted at the homes of members.
Other Programs
A variety of other activities are offered by Fellowship committees or the minister to explore specific issues rooted in spiritual growth and social justice. These activities are often sparked by the interest of individual members or committees.
Recent offerings have included:
- “Building Your Own Theology,” a Zoom-based program including members of several congregations;
- “Who Me? An Elder?,” an education and support group meeting monthly;
- A series on Unitarian Transcendentalism;
- A social justice book group meeting monthly at the Meetinghouse; and
- “Talks of the Times,” a series of Sunday afternoon programs on contemporary social and ethical issues. These have included programs held in cooperation with the American Association of University Women and the Vermont Humanities Council.