Social Justice

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington and its members have a long history of looking outward to take action in the community. In earlier years Fellowship members were involved in starting recycling efforts in Bennington; the area’s first volunteer hospice organization; and Greater Bennington Community Services, Inc., which operates a free clinic, food distribution center, and emergency support programs.
The Fellowship has been a longtime supporter of the Bennington Coalition for the Homeless, contributing supplies to families setting up housekeeping in apartments. The Fellowship hosts the Greater Bennington Peace and Justice Center.
The Fellowship every eight weeks prepares a Sunday evening dinner as part of an interfaith collaborative that provides weekly meals.
A weekly Community Café, run in cooperation with St. Peter’s Church, is held Saturday afternoons to provide meals and social connections for all who wish to attend.
We regularly host book discussions series and community meetings on issues of poverty, racism, mass incarceration, and oppression, and how to respond to the current social and political climate. Many of these public events are held in collaboration with the Vermont Humanities Council and in cooperation with the Bennington Branch of the American Association of University Women.
Our building is used throughout the week. We host a range of activities held by many community groups, including: the Vermont Center for Independent Living; Queer Connect; the Bennington County Choral Society; VNA/Hospice of Southwestern Vermont; and abuse support groups.