A Welcome from the Reverend Barbara Threet

Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington (UUFB)! I’ve been the part-time minister here since August of 2019, and I bring over 20 years’ service as minister in several different and wonderful UU churches. I served as a full-time minister for many years in the Boston area before ‘retiring’ in 2016. Now, in addition to UUFB, I serve the UU Church of Rutland VT (part-time, 2016 to present) and the UU Congregation of Glens Falls NY (part-time, 2017 to present). Clearly, Unitarian Universalism is very important to me!
Who are we? UUs, as Unitarian Universalists usually call themselves, can be challenging to define. Our history extends back to the mid1500s and earlier in Europe, although now we’re mostly found in North America. As individuals, we come from a range of religious backgrounds, and we claim a range of religious orientations now – Christian, atheist, pagan, Buddhist, earth-centered, and several others. Influences from all of those can be found in our worship services. We tend to be pretty liberal politically, although you’ll find a range of opinions on most any issue. UUs as a denomination have been active in LGBTQ and women’s issues for many years, as well as addressing immigration, climate change, living wages, and other concerns. In recent years, UUs have focused on confronting and dismantling racism and white privilege – in ourselves, our congregations, and in society at large. Here at UU Fellowship of Bennington, we are involved in a variety of social justice issues – many of our members were part of an online discussion about racism, and we participate in various community projects, particularly around poverty and homelessness.
What we share is a commitment to live our lives compassionately and responsibly, in ways that respect each other and our planet. We believe that whatever our individual spiritual paths may be, they need to translate from intellectual beliefs into a life of integrity, justice, and compassion. We are committed to continuing to learn and explore rather than sticking to a set of pre-determined answers. We are seekers who truly enjoy the journey, and who take an active part of shaping our world.
We gather for worship on every Sunday at 10:00: I preach once or twice a month and the other Sundays are filled by speakers from our congregation and far beyond. Sermon topics vary widely. Our services include music, a sermon or talk, and time for sharing and reflecting. A coffee hour follows each service. All our services are available on Zoom, for those who cannot attend in person for whatever reason. UUFB hosts a variety of other events as well, including a lecture series on social justice-related topics, study groups, and concerts. UUFB is a lively, vibrant place!
And a bit more about myself, as your minister: I live in western MA, I’m the parent of two middle-aged daughters who were raised UU, and the grandmother of five wonderful individuals ranging in age from 12 to 27, all of whom live nearby. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, puzzles of many kinds, walking and hiking, traveling (especially if it’s to some out-of-the-way country), and learning more of the history of our world – UU and far beyond.
It is a joy to welcome you to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington, where so many have found a religious and/or spiritual home. We hope that you do too!
In faith, hope, and curiosity,
Rev. Barbara