About Us

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington has been part of and served the tristate communities in Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York since 1959. Our faith reflects religious traditions dating back hundreds of years as well as the evolution of liberal religious principles during the past half century. The Unitarians and Universalists merged more than 60 years ago, bringing together two vibrant liberal movements. Our congregation met for 47 years in borrowed spaces, including homes, schools, and libraries. We have grown steadily since the 1970s. We moved to our current home in 2005.
Our Values: Spiritual growth, social action, and community are the values of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bennington.
Family-Friendly: We welcome children to attend our services. We have childcare for young children and Religious Exploration for elementary and middle school children.
Many Traditions and Many Paths: As a group we recognize the wisdom of many religious traditions, but individual members are free to find and hold their own religious beliefs. We value coming together as a group to explore important spiritual and social questions. We do this in Sunday morning services and in small groups throughout the year.
Shared Ministry: Our members and our minister take seriously the shared responsibility to further the congregation’s mission and vision.
Reaching Out: We have a vigorous social justice program. We carry out direct social service projects, often in conjunction with the larger interfaith community. Our members volunteer with many arts, civic, and human service organizations throughout the community
A Democratic Community: We make our decisions democratically. We determine for ourselves how best to fulfill our mission. We are an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Association, the national association of UU congregations.
Accessibility: Our home at 108 School Street is close to public transportation, and the entire Meetinghouse is at street level. One restroom is large enough for a wheelchair. We have large-print hymnals, and we have hearing-assist devices for the hearing impaired.
Earth-Friendly: We have tried to reduce our impact on the environment in our physical home. Our roof has an array of solar panels, which powers a modern cold-weather heat pump. Renovation of the building in 2005 included extensive insulation and thermal windows. We use nontoxic cleaning products and have a scent-free policy. We recycle as much as we can.